Exclusive Session/Model Call FAQ’s

Did you see the Boudoir Exclusive Session/Model Call we are offering right now? 


Here are some frequently asked questions that may help you!


Do I really have to share my photos?

When running our Boudoir Exclusive Sessions/Model Calls, we waive the $450 boudoir session fee so that we have fresh up-to-date content for our portfolio, social media & marketing, hence asking for your authorization have 5 pictures from your photo shoot released for publication. 


But I’m shy and don’t want my identity disclosed……

That’s fine! We only tag you in social media posts if we have your permission to do so. And we have 3 levels of image release, including an anonymous release whereby we would only use images that do NOT show your face! 


Do I get to choose the photo's you use for marketing & public use?

YES!!! We collaborate with you so that only images that you are comfortable with us sharing are used.


Do you sell the released images to 3rd parties?

Absolutely NOT!! The images you release to us are purely for OUR marketing and portfolio use. Although we do own the right to the images by law, we totally respect our clients and would never compromise our relationship with them. 


What if I don't want you to use my images for marketing & portfolio use?

All of our clients have the option to opt-out of the public use of their images. Paying the $450 session fee gives you full control on what we do with your images after the photo shoot! 


Have more questions?


“My Boudoir Experience….” A Clients Perspective….


Self Love Boudoir