Boudoir Photo Session Privacy

First and foremost, at Sugar & Spice Moments your privacy is of paramount importance to us. We will never show an image to anyone without your written consent, which we cover in your contract at the very beginning of your boudoir photo shoot experience.

So, do many people give consent to show their images? The answer is YES! Many clients do have image releases on file, but that is because they wanted to share and were under no obligation to do so. Often clients agree to release images as not only do they look amazing, but because they want to inspire other women to step outside of their comfort zone and do something empowering just as they had! We often hear that it was the images on our website and social media showing different people, different ages, and different body types that inspired them to take the leap to do a boudoir photo shoot, people who look just like them!

One thing that most people don’t realize is that there are different kinds of releases that clients normally choose:

Anonymous Release - Clients choose this option to release images that do not show their face and their identity is unknown in the photo.

Limited Release - Clients have full control with this release. For example, they can release individual images of their choosing or a group of images from one particular set from their photo shoot. They can also qualify the release such as “all images with no nipples” or “no nudity”. The limited release is the most popular release when clients do decide to release boudoir images.

Full Release - Clients let us use all the images taken during their specified photo shoot.

No Release - The client does not wish to share any images. This is a completely respected decision. Your boudoir photo session is your private shoot and you control and release of your boudoir images.

We do sometimes run special boudoir Sessions to help refresh our website and social media content, or to try out new props or a new creative idea (photography is art after all). You will see these now and then and are usually referred to as a “Model Call” or “Exclusive (ex. sweater) Session”. These special boudoir sessions are usually heavily discounted to compensate the client for the use of some of their images. But, again, and this is important - the client will still approve the release of images used for marketing. We sometimes hire models or have models ask to shoot with us and those release agreements are reach ahead of the photoshoot as there is often a specific theme around the boudoir photoshoot.

Of course, we do have to share all images with our album manufacturer and the company that hosts our phone app, both of which are highly reputable companies, and who also understands the paramount importance of privacy.

Are you ready? Do you have questions?


Boudoir Myths Busted!


How to find your Boudoir look….