Ms T’s Experience
We had the best time shooting Ms. T! She arrived at her shoot with KILLER lingerie and full of fun ideas. I love when clients come full of inspiration to their shoot. I asked Ms. T to tell me about her shoot in her own words, here is what she said:
“I’ve always wanted professional images of myself and figured now was the time! I worked very hard during 2021. I lost almost 50 lbs. and got into the best shape of my life and thought, I better document this! The shoot was a present for my husband who just LOVES lingerie, and after 7 years of marriage I thought it would be a fun and sexy gift. My favorite part of the session was getting glammed up with full hair makeup and lashes. I wasn’t totally sure what to expect and I was nervous that my vision would not make it into the images. I tried my best to go with the flow and Amanda was great about giving direction on posing, listening to my suggestions, and reassuring me that the pictures would turn out great. And you know what? They did!!!”
Thank you so much for hiring us to do your session Ms. T, and of course thank you for letting me share your KILLER session. If you would like to see more images from her session, check out her blog!