History of Boudoir

Boudoir photography is a form of photoshoot usually done by a professional photographer. Sometimes, it can be done on your own if using a timer on a camera. It can be traced all the way back to the 1940s. The hallmark trait of boudoir photography is a playful, provocative look that implies nudity rather than outright showing it. Despite the sexual nature of boudoir photography, clothing is almost always on – and if not clothing, there’s a tasteful draping of fabric, bed sheets, or some other similar object.


This style of photography is meant to be sensual and intimate, and is often meant to either uplift the subject on a personal matter or as a gift to share with a significant other. Not only are the pictures themselves absolutely stunning to look at, but the method in which their done is meant to be an uplifting one. Recently, they’ve become popular even among the single crowd, because the style is designed specifically to highlight your natural beauty, show off a more peaceful and relaxed side of you. It’s a style of picture that helps highlight all of your softness, your natural form, and a good look at the beauty of your emotional state.


Many boudoir photographs are taken in either black and white or sepia tones to add to the atmosphere. These vibes either soften your image or add a splash of mystery to them. Either way, having one of these filters applied to your photograph can result in a completely different tone of picture. It’s important to think about what you’re trying to express in your boudoir photograph ahead of time. That way, you’re able to give your photographer a clear idea of what aesthetic and emotional tone he’s trying to make the picture convey.


Now, one of the biggest things that makes a boudoir photograph unique is the setting. The word boudoir literally means ‘a woman’s bedroom or private room’. That’s why the better part of boudoir photography takes place in a bedroom – or at a personal shoot that’s set up to look like a bedroom. That’s where the general theme ends, however, because clothing varies wildly from person to person.


Boudoir photography is all about sophistication. Lingerie is the most common apparel for a boudoir shoot. In older pictures, you’ll find that satin cone bras and embroidered corsets were the most common place choices. Now though, there are countless options to choose from! That means you can really form this picture so that it ends up being a perfect representation of your personality.


Despite the risque nature of these pictures, they aren’t actually about sex. They’re about sharing your intimate sense of self with someone that you care for, finding a way to put your own inner beauty on display, and having a physical representation of your love to hold onto.


Self Love Boudoir


Amanda’s Story